About Anna Meline – A Passionate Singer-Songwriter


My name is Anna Meline and I’m a Swedish artist and songwriter. I was born in a small town in Sweden as the little sister in a family of four. I got my first guitar when I turned 13, and as the years went by, writing became important to me as a means of handling different emotions. And it still is. Many people I’ve encountered in my past have gotten a song or two written about them.

As so many other teenage girls and boys, I was being bullied through some parts of school. I remember that constant fear, insecurity, loneliness and anxiety that characterised those days. Looking back today, I realise that despite all of that, it shaped me to the person I am today. It enhanced the importance to me of always going your own way and standing up for who you are.

When I was 16, I decided it was time to make my childhood dream a reality, and I therefore chose to study music in high school. Growing up during an era where technology were getting more available than ever, I got my first version of the music production software Cubase.

A few years later, along with my father, I decided to record an album with some of my own songs. Yet, I needed someone to help me out a bit with the production, and that’s when my competent co-producer stepped in to the picture. Having been one of my teachers in high school, he agreed to help me out. Furthermore, a close friend of mine helped me with pictures and videos. We then put together what would become my debut album; ”I Couldn’t Stay”.

After the album release, I came to this point where I didn’t know where I was going. I performed on some local events and regional radio stations. I tried to spread the album as much as I possibly could on the internet, through radio and on social media.

I felt like I wanted to back down, regroup if you put it that way, and come back with new energy.

I improved my equipment, bought new software and hardware for my home studio. I also made music videos for every song on Youtube since I wanted to build my channel.

I began working on new songs and music videos. I wanted to learn more, produce more music, make cooler videos, become a better musician. Finally, after lots of blod, sweat and tears, (or as I’d rather put it: after lots of time, effort, money, almost throwing my computer out of the window, doubting myself in every possible way, and with lots of help from amazing people around me), I released my song “Pictures and Words”.

I also began my quest to become a better musician by taking lessons and courses to improve my vocal skills and music theory knowledge.

During all of this, I had lots of part time jobs leading nowhere. I therefore decided to go back to school and study a marketing programme at the university. So this is where I’m right now. Whereas I won’t be able to put as much time and money in to the music as I would have wished, there’ll be new music, just in a little slower pace than I originally had planned.

Thank you for reading this. It means a lot to me. Thanks again, may God bless you and finally, promise me to always keep on reaching for your dreams and goals, even when it’s tough. Don’t give up on yourself. Promise me that.
